About Fysiotest

Our vision is that we believe that no one really wants to be a customer in healthcare. We help our clients with knowledge about sustainable health, performance and productivity - both on an organisational and individual level.

We are Fysiotest.

Improved well-being, improved performance.

Fysiotest helps your company and your employees achieve sustainable performance improvement through a healthy lifestyle.

Every step on the road to a healthier lifestyle makes a difference in company and individual performance in an increasingly stressful everyday life. Employees also receive a scientifically developed baseline and coaching for various health parameters and goals.

Our driving force.

How we want to make a difference

Today we know that about 80% of all diseases can be prevented by a healthy lifestyle. Preventive health measures can reduce the pressure on health services, while bringing major benefits to individuals, businesses and society as a whole.

We believe that nobody wants to be a customer of healthcare. We help our clients with knowledge about sustainable health, performance and productivity - both on an individual and organizational level.

We want to help people on the path to a healthier way of life. We know that every step on the road to a healthier lifestyle makes a difference. A difference that leads to more and more people being able to live their lives healthier and longer.

We are a reliable partner who makes a difference to people through our expertise and precision. We know that behind every analytical response is a person who wants to make the changes needed to improve their quality of life.

This insight has given us great respect for our mission and for the difference we can make to each individual we meet.

Our ambition.

An innovative partner

We will be the natural choice for organisations, companies and individuals who want to achieve a better state of health & performance.

Fysiotest will help, inspire and guide organisations, companies and individuals towards better health and performance through market-leading diagnostics and advice in a clear and simple way.

That is our promise.

Meet our employees

Sami Seppänen
CEO & education
Alexander Siloo
Key Account Manager
Krisztina Seppänen
COO & Coach
Madeleine Svensson
Finance & e-commerce
Magnus Häggbom
Leg. Naprapath
Saga Wastensson
Sales & Marketing Assistant
Mimi Astell
Test leader
Andrea Lahger
Kristoffer Svensson
Key Account Manager
Sara Reinodt
Project Management
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